PHP.Watch Articles

How to install/update PHP 8.0 (Debian/Ubuntu)

How to install/update PHP 8.0 (Debian/Ubuntu)

A guide to install or update to PHP 8.0 on Debian and Ubuntu
New `xdebug_info()` function in Xdebug 3

New xdebug_info() function in Xdebug 3

xdebug_info() is a new function in Xdebug 3 that brings phpinfo()-like display for all Xdebug configuration.
PHP Code Coverage Tools

PHP Code Coverage Tools

A comparison of PHP Code Coverage tools, their performance, and features.
GitAttributes for PHP Composer Projects

GitAttributes for PHP Composer Projects

How to use a .gitattributes file to reduce the package size of Composer packages.
Performance Impact of PHP Exceptions

Performance Impact of PHP Exceptions

A benchmark on the performance cost of throwing and handling PHP exceptions
Private Composer Repositories with GitLab

Private Composer Repositories with GitLab

How to create a private Composer repository with GitLab Package Registry.
WordPress oEmbed Plus: Facebook and Instagram content embed

WordPress oEmbed Plus: Facebook and Instagram content embed

oEmbed Plus is a WordPress plugin to bring back Facebook and Instagram content embedding to block editor.
PHP 8.0 Reached Feature-Freeze

PHP 8.0 Reached Feature-Freeze

PHP 8.0 reached its feature-freeze, which means we know which major features make it to PHP 8.0.
How to use Union Types in PHP

How to use Union Types in PHP

A practical guide to when and how to use Union Types introduced in PHP 8.0
PHP 8: Override internal functions with `disable_functions` INI directive

PHP 8: Override internal functions with disable_functions INI directive

Creative ways to polyfill/mock PHP internal functions with disabled_functions feature
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