PHP.Watch Articles

PHP JIT in Depth

PHP JIT in Depth

A detailed guide on optimal JIT configuration, benchmarks, and how JIT works in detail.
PHP 8.0 Thanks ❀

PHP 8.0 Thanks ❀

PHP 8.0.0 is released today πŸŽ‰πŸΎπŸŽŠ. Thank you all of you for your amazing efforts ❀.
PHP's resource to object transformation

PHP's resource to object transformation

A summary of PHP's long-term progress in resource objects to class objects
PHP Hash Algorithm Benchmark

PHP Hash Algorithm Benchmark

Benchmarks the performance of hashing algorithms supported in PHP, including MurmurHash in PHP 8.1.
Xdebug 2 vs Xdebug 3 Performance Comparison

Xdebug 2 vs Xdebug 3 Performance Comparison

A performance comparison between Xdebug 2 and the upcoming version 3.
Opting out of Named Parameters in PHP 8.0

Opting out of Named Parameters in PHP 8.0

A new @no-named-arguments DocBlock attribute to opt-out of named parameters.
PHP 8 Weak Maps and Practical Use Cases

PHP 8 Weak Maps and Practical Use Cases

A guide to use effectively use the WeakMaps feature in PHP 8.0.
How to install/update PHP 8.0 (Debian/Ubuntu)

How to install/update PHP 8.0 (Debian/Ubuntu)

A guide to install or update to PHP 8.0 on Debian and Ubuntu
New `xdebug_info()` function in Xdebug 3

New xdebug_info() function in Xdebug 3

xdebug_info() is a new function in Xdebug 3 that brings phpinfo()-like display for all Xdebug configuration.
PHP Code Coverage Tools

PHP Code Coverage Tools

A comparison of PHP Code Coverage tools, their performance, and features.
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