New xdebug_info() function in Xdebug 3

Published On30 Oct 2020

Xdebug 3 xdebug_info function

Xdebug version 3 brings several improvements with its easier configuration options, faster modular functionality (such as separate modes for step debugger, code coverage, profiler, etc).

A small yet quite useful feature in Xdebug 3 is the new xdebug_info function.

xdebug_info function prints a nicely formatted page with all Xdebug configuration options. This page resembles the phpinfo() output.

Xdebug 3 xdebug_info function
In its nicely formatted and lengthy information page, Xdebug shows all its modes, INI file information, and all the configuration options. All modes and configuration options are linked to their relevant documentation.


In CLI, running php -i, or any script with xdebug_info shows a CLI-friendly output with an ASCII art.

Xdebug 3 xdebug_info in CLI

Note that Xdebug 3 has no stable releases yet. Xdebug beta 1 was released on 14 Oct 2020. The screenshots are from Xdebug compiled against PHP 8.0-dev. Please consider supporting Derick Rethans for his continuous and amazing efforts for PHP, Date/Time extension, Xdebug, and other projects.

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