PHP.Watch Articles

PHP 8 Alpha 1 released

PHP 8 Alpha 1 released

PHP 8 Alpha version 1 is released on the same month PHP turned 25!
PHP turns 25!

PHP turns 25!

PHP turns 25 years today. PHP version 1.0 was released on 8th of June in 1995!
How to install Composer packages ignoring PHP version requirements

How to install Composer packages ignoring PHP version requirements

How to force-install PHP packages, ignoring version requirements set by dependencies
Attributes in PHP 8

Attributes in PHP 8

A comprehensive guide to PHP 8's new Attributes
Ternary and Ternary Coalescing Operator in PHP

Ternary and Ternary Coalescing Operator in PHP

A quick guide on PHP's Ternary Operators and Coalescing operators
Liskov Substitution Principle in PHP

Liskov Substitution Principle in PHP

How Liskov Substitution Principle applies to PHP, and PHPs contravariance and covariance.
Composer 2: Platform Check

Composer 2: Platform Check

All you need to know about Composer v2's new platform-check feature.
Composer 2: What's new and changed

Composer 2: What's new and changed

PHP's dependency manager, composer has its new major version 2 coming soon! Here is what is new and changing.
Remove Unnecessary PHP Composer Polyfills

Remove Unnecessary PHP Composer Polyfills

How to prevent composer from installing polyfills when you already fulfill the requirements.
Hierarchy of PHP exceptions

Hierarchy of PHP exceptions

An overlook of PHP core Exceptions including a chart on how PHP core exception classes are inherited.
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