PHP 7.4.9: Downloads, Changelog, News

Release Information

PHP Version
PHP 7.4
Release Date
Release Type
Security Update
Release Status
EOL, Use PHP 7.4.33
Branch Status

PHP 7.4 reached EOL on , and all releases of this version no longer receive security or bug fixes. Using PHP 7.4.9 is not recommended. PHP 7.4.33 is the latest version in the series.


Source Code

Git Clone
Use Git to clone the 7.4.9 tag from the PHP Git repository.
git clone --depth 1 --branch php-7.4.9
How to compile PHP
PHP can be compiled by setting up the dependencies, building the configure script (./buildconf), configuring the build ./configure, and running make.
Detailed articles on how to compile PHP are available for Ubuntu/Debian based systems and Fedora/RHEL based systems.

Windows binaries

Non-Thread Safe Builds
Non-Thread Safe (NTS) builds are single-threaded PHP builds. They can be used on web servers that integrate PHP over FastCGI protocol, such as Nginx, Caddy, and IIS.
Thread-Safe Builds
Thread-Safe (TS) builds are multi-thread PHP builds, often used to integrate PHP as a Server API for multithreaded servers. The most common use case is using PHP as an Apache module.

Docker/Podman Containers

PHP CLI Containers images only include the PHP CLI, and no FPM or Apache modules. The Alpine builds are lightweight, but may introduce incompatibilities due to their musl builds. Albeit their larger size, the Debian-based (without the "-alpine" suffix) images are more complete, and widely used.

Alpine-based: Lightweight, but may introduce incompatibilities due to their musl builds.
docker pull php:7.4.9-cli-alpine

Debian-based: More compatible with other components, complete, and are widely used.
docker pull php:7.4.9-cli
PHP CLI + Web Server Integration
These container images include PHP CLI, and a web server integration. FPM container images can be integrated with web servers such as Nginx, Caddy, and Apache with Event MPM. The Apache container images include Apache web server, integrating PHP as an Apache module.

Alpine-based: Lightweight, but may introduce incompatibilities due to their musl builds.
docker pull php:7.4.9-fpm-alpine

Debian-based ZTS Apache: Includes Apache web server integrating PHP as an Apache module.
docker pull php:7.4.9-apache

Debian-based NTS FPM: PHP-FPM, can be integrated with Nginx, Caddy, and other web servers over Fast CGI.
docker pull php:7.4.9-fpm



  • Fixed bug #79030 (Upgrade apache2handler's php_apache_sapi_get_request_time to return usec).


  • Fixed bug #63208 (BSTR to PHP string conversion not binary safe).
  • Fixed bug #63527 (DCOM does not work with Username, Password parameter).


  • Fixed bug #79877 (getimagesize function silently truncates after a null byte)
  • Fixed bug #79740 (serialize() and unserialize() methods can not be called statically).
  • Fixed bug #79783 (Segfault in php_str_replace_common).
  • Fixed bug #79778 (Assertion failure if dumping closure with unresolved static variable).
  • Fixed bug #79779 (Assertion failure when assigning property of string offset by reference).
  • Fixed bug #79792 (HT iterators not removed if empty array is destroyed).
  • Fixed bug #78598 (Changing array during undef index RW error segfaults).
  • Fixed bug #79784 (Use after free if changing array during undef var during array write fetch).
  • Fixed bug #79793 (Use after free if string used in undefined index warning is changed).
  • Fixed bug #79862 (Public non-static property in child should take priority over private static).


  • Fixed bug #79756 (finfo_file crash (FILEINFO_MIME)).


  • Fixed bug #55857 (ftp_size on large files).


  • Fixed bug #79787 (mb_strimwidth does not trim string).


  • Fixed bug #79881 (Memory leak in openssl_pkey_get_public()).



  • Fixed bug #79487 (::getStaticProperties() ignores property modifications).
  • Fixed bug #69804 (::getStaticPropertyValue() throws on protected props).
  • Fixed bug #79820 (Use after free when type duplicated into ReflectionProperty gets resolved).


  • Fixed bug #70362 (Can't copy() large 'data://' with open_basedir).
  • Fixed bug #78008 (dns_check_record() always return true on Alpine).
  • Fixed bug #79839 (array_walk() does not respect property types).

Commit List

Andy Postnikov

Christopher Broadbent

Christoph M. Becker

Derick Rethans

Evgeny Stepanischev


Nikita Popov

Paweł Tomulik

Remi Collet

Sara Golemon



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