PHP 8.0: GD Extension: Windows DLL file name changed from php_gd2.dll to php_gd.dll


GD Extension: Windows DLL file name changed from php_gd2.dll to php_gd.dll

If you were to copy php.ini a PHP 7 php.ini file to PHP 8, it now needs to use the GD extension with php_gd.dll, or in its extension-less format:

- extension=gd2
+ extension=gd 

In Linux systems such as Ubuntu/Debian, the GD extension is loaded with name throughout all PHP versions, and no changes are necessary.

Further, GD extension now uses GdImage class objects instead of resources as its primary data object.

Backwards Compatibility Impact

Using gd2 as the extension name to load will result in a PHP startup warning (which are shown by default in PHP 8) because the DLL file is now renamed in to php_gd.dll:

Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'gd2' (tried: .../ext\gd2 (The specified module could not be found.), .../ext\php_gd2.dll (The specified module could not be found.)) in Unknown on line 0
