
INIAdded in PHP 7.0

Assertion: zend.assertions — Switch whether to compile assertions at all (to have no overhead at run-time) -1: Do not compile at all 0: Jump over assertion at run-time 1: Execute assertions Changing from or to a negative value is only possible in php.ini! (For turning assertions on and off at run-time, toggle zend.assertions between the values 1 and 0) Production Value: -1

Default value 1
Development value -1
Production value -1

Modifiability: INI_ALL - The zend.assertions INI directive can be configured anywhere, including php.ini files, ini_set calls, Apache .htaccess files, per-directory .ini files, etc.

PHP 7.0
PHP 7.1-7.4
PHP 8.0
PHP 8.1
PHP 8.2
PHP 8.3
PHP 8.4
PHP 8.5
zend.assertions = 1

Changes to the zend.assertions INI

PHP 7.0

  • INI directive added

zend.assertions INI Availability

PHP VersionAvailability
PHP 8.5Future Release Yes
PHP 8.4Upcoming Release Yes
PHP 8.3Supported (Latest) Yes
PHP 8.2Supported Yes
PHP 8.1Security-Fixes Only Yes
PHP 8.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.4Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.3Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.2Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.1Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.6Unsupported No
PHP 5.5Unsupported No
PHP 5.4Unsupported No
PHP 5.3Unsupported No