
FunctionParams and return types changed in PHP 8.0

Verify that a value can be called as a function from the current scope.

PHP 8.0
PHP 8.1
PHP 8.2
PHP 8.3
PHP 8.4
PHP 8.5

is_callable Function synopsis

    mixed $value,
    bool $syntax_only = false,
    &$callable_name = null
  ): bool




The value to check


OptionalTypeboolDefault valuefalse

If set to true the function only verifies that $value might be a function or method. It will only reject simple variables that are not strings, or an array that does not have a valid structure to be used as a callback. The valid ones are supposed to have only 2 entries, the first of which is an object or a string, and the second a string.


Passed by reference, OptionalDefault valuenull

Receives the "callable name". In the example below it is "someClass::someMethod". Note, however, that despite the implication that someClass::SomeMethod() is a callable static method, this is not the case.

Note that the parameter $callable_name is passed by reference, and contains additional/updated context data that may be useful.

Return value


Returns true if $value is callable, false otherwise.

Changes to the is_callable Function

PHP 8.0

  • Return type added: bool
  • Parameter name of parameter #1 changed: $var to $value
  • Parameter type added for parameter #1 ($value): mixed
  • Parameter type added for parameter #2 ($syntax_only): bool
  • Parameter default value added for position #2 ($syntax_only): false
  • Parameter default value added for position #3 ($callable_name): null
-     $var,
+     mixed $value,
-     $syntax_only,
+     bool $syntax_only = false,
-     &$callable_name
+     &$callable_name = null
-   )
+   ): bool

is_callable Function Availability

PHP VersionAvailability
PHP 8.5Future Release Yes
PHP 8.4Upcoming Release Yes
PHP 8.3Supported (Latest) Yes
PHP 8.2Supported Yes
PHP 8.1Security-Fixes Only Yes
PHP 8.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.4Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.3Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.2Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.1Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.6Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.5Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.4Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.3Unsupported Yes