ConstantAdded in PHP 7.0

CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART is one of the accepted parameters for curl_setopt parameter #2.

CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTARTtrue to enable and false to disable TLS false start which is a mode where a TLS client starts sending application data before verifying the server's Finished message. Available as of PHP 7.0.7 and cURL 7.42.0.

PHP 7.0
PHP 7.1-7.4
PHP 8.0
PHP 8.1-8.2
PHP 8.3
PHP 8.4
PHP 8.5

Changes to the CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART Constant

PHP 7.0

  • Constant added

CURLOPT_SSL_FALSESTART Constant Availability

PHP VersionAvailability
PHP 8.5Upcoming Release Yes
PHP 8.4Supported (Latest) Yes
PHP 8.3Supported Yes
PHP 8.2Security-Fixes Only Yes
PHP 8.1Security-Fixes Only Yes
PHP 8.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.4Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.3Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.2Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.1Unsupported Yes
PHP 7.0Unsupported Yes
PHP 5.6Unsupported No
PHP 5.5Unsupported No
PHP 5.4Unsupported No
PHP 5.3Unsupported No